Hinduismens lära i stora drag. Här berättas om skaparguden Brahma, hinduisk tidsuppfattning, världssjälen (brahman), människans själ (atman), reinkarnation, karmas lag (lagen om orsak och verkan), återfödelsens kretslopp (samsara) och slutligen om yoga (olika vägar till själslig befrielse). + Läs mer



Vishnus gemål var välståndets gudinna Lakshmi. I vissa källor nämns gudinnan Bhudevi, som kan ses som en aspekt av Lakshmi, Mahalakshmi, vilken förkroppsligar jorden. Brahma is the creator god in the Trimurti of Hinduism. He has four faces, looking in the four directions. Brahma is also known as Svayambhu (self-born), Vāgīśa (Lord of Speech), and the creator of the four Vedas, one from each of his mouths. Brahma is identified with the Vedic god Prajapati, as well as linked to Kama and Hiranyagarbha (the cosmic egg), he is more prominently mentioned in 2015-05-16 · Brahma had several wives, the most important being his daughter Sarasvati who, after the Creation, bore Brahma the four Vedas (holy books of Hinduism), all branches of knowledge, the 36 Raginis and 6 Ragas of music, ideas such as Memory and Victory, yogas, religious acts, speech, Sanskrit, and the various units of measurement and time. Brahma Vishnu Shiva.

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Kommer man till brahman så har man vunnit atmans sanna värde. 2019-01-24 · The Symbolism of Brahma in Hinduism In the Hindu pantheon, Brahma is commonly represented as having four heads, four arms, and red skin. Unlike all the other Hindu gods, Brahma carries no weapon in his hands. He holds a water-pot, a spoon, a book of prayers or the Vedas, a rosary and sometimes a lotus. 2009-08-24 · Brahma is the first god in the Hindu triumvirate, or trimurti.

Brahma is frequently identified with the Vedic god Prajapati. Brahman är ett centralt begrepp inom hinduismen och indisk filosofi.

Mar 2, 2017 - Brahmā (Sanskrit: ब्रह्मा; IAST: Brahmā) is the Hindu god (deva) of creation and one of the Trimūrti,( cosmic functions of creation).

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Hinduismens brahma

H Brahma er skaberguden. I Rig Veda står der, at universet blev skabt da Brahma kom ud af det gyldne æg, Hiranyagarbha, som opstod som et uendeligt lille rum efter den Højestes (Brahmans) ønske. Brahma lå i ægget i et år, hvorefter han delte det i 2 dele. Mar 2, 2017 - Brahmā (Sanskrit: ब्रह्मा; IAST: Brahmā) is the Hindu god (deva) of creation and one of the Trimūrti,( cosmic functions of creation).

Yoga. Trans. Karma. Trans.
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Brahma's wife is Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge, music, arts and learning. Hinduism is one of the oldest and largest religions in the world. It is also one of the most diverse in terms of practice. This video gives an overview of the central spiritual ideas of Brahman, Atman, Samsara and Moksha.

Hinduism teaches that the individual soul of all living bodies, including animals, was part of the creator spirit, Brahma. In Hinduism, Brahman refers to the supreme cosmic power, ontological ground of being, and the source, goal and purpose of all spiritual knowledge. Brahman has no form and no limits; it is Reality and Truth.
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13 Dec 2017 In Purānic Hinduism, Om is the mystic name for the Hindu Trimurti and represents the union of three gods, viz. A for Brahma, U for Vishnu and 

Hinduerna tror att alla gudar är delar av Brahma. 2016-12-02 · Brahma is one of the trideva in Hindu mythology. He is the creator. Brahma creates the universe.

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Kaundinya introduced Hinduism, particularly Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and Harihara (half Vishnu, half Shiva), and these ideas grew in southeast Asia in the 1st millennium CE. The Chams Balamon (Hindu Brahmin Chams) form a majority of the Cham population in Vietnam.

More specifically, Om is used to symbolizing the universe and the ultimate reality. Some people say that this symbol represents the three aspects of God: the Brahma (A), the Vishny (U) and the Shiva (M).

Det finns en hel del likheter mellan buddhismen och hinduismen, men också en del skillnader. Hinduismens tre centralaste Gudar är Brahma, Vishnu och Shiva.

Brahma er typisk afbilledet med fire hoveder, hvor nogen mener at vedaerne, som er hinduismens helligste tekster, udspringer fra. Oprindeligt havde guden egentlig fem hovede r, men ifølge myten skar Shiva et hoved af og efterlod ham med blot de resterende fire. Hinduismens klassiska tankesystem formulerades, tempel byggdes och filosofiska kunskapstraditioner uppkom. Gudarna Vishnu, Rama, Krishna, Shiva, Durga, Kali och Ganesha etc. blev de viktigaste.

Man brukar säga att Brahma skapar, Vishnu bevarar och Shiva förstör och är återskaparen. Det finns tusentals gudar inom hinduismen men just dessa har viktigaste roller inom hinduismen. Brahma är skaparguden, han har givit liv åt allt levande. hör Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Kali och Durga. Ordet hinduism finns inte i Vedaskrifterna, då det var invaderande muslimer som gav dem namnet sindhus, det vill säga folket som bor vid Indus-floden.